The career assessments provided below will help you learn more about what types of careers might be worth looking into. These assessments might not necessarily pinpoint your exact career, but they can certainly help get you on the right track. Being able to identify what you might (or might not) want to do for a career can help you narrow down potential majors.
Schedule an appointment with a Career Coach to review your results.
Focus 2
Focus2 (0pen to UConn students and alumni) includes five assessments in one place, as well as information on UConn majors, potential occupations and ways to integrate them together. Students are encouraged to reach out to a Career Coach to review results.
Click here to access Focus 2 (for UConn Students only)
Holland Code Career Test
Discover the best jobs for you with the powerful system of Holland career codes. This test will identify your strongest career interests among six occupational themes which are realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (aka RIASEC).
You'll discover your top interest area and what that means for you. You'll also learn how you scored in the other five interest areas. Finally, you'll see a list of suggested careers based on your interest profile.
What Does It Measure?
This test measures your interest level in the six categories of careers, as described by Dr. John Holland in his RIASEC model:
Realistic - Building, fixing, working outdoors
Investigative - Thinking, researching, experimenting
Artistic - Creative, designing, expressing
Social - Helping, teaching, encouraging
Enterprising - Persuading, leading, selling
Conventional - Organizing, categorizing, recording
How Many Questions?
This test has 72 questions.
How Long Does It Take?
About 20 minutes.
Click here to take The Holland Code Career Test
Once you complete this test, you can click here to go to O-Net and search jobs based on your Holland code.
O-Net Interest Profiler
The O-Net Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world or work. Simply put, you can find out what you like to do. In turn, this will help you decide what kinds of careers you might want to explore.
What Does It Measure?
This test allows you to identify how strongly you like or dislike performing certain tasks. The results will show you your score as it pertains to the six categories of careers, as described by Dr. John Holland in his RIASEC model:
Realistic - Building, fixing, working outdoors
Investigative - Thinking, researching, experimenting
Artistic - Creative, designing, expressing
Social - Helping, teaching, encouraging
Enterprising - Persuading, leading, selling
Conventional - Organizing, categorizing, recording
You will then be able to view career that align best with your highest scored category.
How Many Questions?
This test has 60 questions
How Long Does It Take?
About 6 minutes.
Click here to take the O-Net Interest Profiler
CareerOneStop Skills Matcher
The Skills Matcher helps you identify your skills. Use the Skills Matcher to create a list of your skills and match them to careers that use those skills.
What Does It Measure?
Rate your levels on 40 key workplace skills. We’ll show you careers that match your ratings.
How Many Questions?
How Long Does It Take?
About 10 minutes.