Whether they're completely exploratory, comfortably declared, or somewhere in-between...all students can benefit from taking the time to explore their options and opportunities before committing to a major.
What is TME?
The Major Experience (TME) is a student-centered program dedicated exclusively to MAJOR EXPLORATION. It is a University-wide collaboration which partners resources such as the Academic Center for Exploratory Students, Center for Career Development, and UConn's academic schools/colleges.
TME is designed to encourage the intentional exploration of majors in a holistic and interactive manner. Using a personalized approach, students are given the appropriate tools and support to choose a major(s) with confidence and, once declared, make the most of their time in that program. TME helps students explore majors by facilitating peer-to-peer connections through TME Student Mentors, encouraging networking with faculty and staff, offering personal guidance from Exploratory Advisors and Career Coaches (for UConn students only), providing access to an assortment of valuable tools, and partnering with various University departments, programs, and resources.
TME is available to and utilized by all students inside and outside of the University of Connecticut.
The TME Philosophy
With so much focus placed on the importance of earning high grades and graduating with a practical degree, it is all too common for college students to take a linear approach to their education by simply "going through the motions". We believe that encouraging intentional learning and exploration is essential to student development and success in post-graduate life. The growth of transferable skills such as critical thinking, communication, creativity, and flexibility are just as important as knowing how to ace an exam. These beliefs form the foundation of our attitude toward major exploration. Choosing your major should not feel like an anxiety-ridden burden. It should be a comprehensive and fulfilling experience.