
Values assessments

Values are HUGE in major exploration! A person's values will often be the driving force behind almost every important decision they make. Some of our values are natural. Some are taught. Your values can be a product of your personality. Your values are your principles and standards. They are your judgement of what's important in life.

Life Values Self Assessment Test



What Does It Measure?

The purpose of this exercise is to help you gain insight into your personal priorities by establishing which core values are most in need of your attention at this particular point in your life. Be sure to read the instructions before you begin the exercise.

This test allows you to identify which core values are most important to you at this point in your life. These core values are:

  • Family
  • Financial Resources
  • Friends
  • Health & Fitness
  • Home & Place
  • Leadership
  • Leisure Pursuits
  • Persona Growth
  • Public Service
  • Spirituality
  • Work Satisfaction


How Long Does It Take?

About 15 minutes.


The Personal Values Assessment



What Does It Measure?

Who you are, what you hold dear, what upsets you, and what underlies your decisions, are all connected to your personal values. Your values reflect what is important to you. They are a shorthand way of describing your motivations. Together with your beliefs, they are the causal factors that drive your decision-making. The Personal Values Assessment is a simple survey that takes just a few minutes of your time and provides a wealth of information about why you do what you do.


How Long Does It Take?

About 5 minutes.