This major is part of the BEP Exploration Group and Math & Engineering Exploration Group
Students who select this major have a strong interest in both math and physics, but do not see themselves going to grad school for either. This is great for secondary math teachers or students interested in working as a technician in a physics or engineering field.
In this track, which is available only for a BS degree, a student can choose a physics emphasis (Track A, with an advisor in the physics department) or a math emphasis (Track B, with an advisor in the math department). Courses include differential equations, linear algebra, and complex analysis.
Descriptions of the Different Math Major Tracks
There are also several other majors offered within the UConn Math Department:
- Mathematics. This track, which is pure mathematics, has courses such as abstract algebra, abstract linear algebra, analysis, differential geometry, and topology. The required upper-level courses in this track all have Math 2710 as a prerequisite. The difference between the BA and the BS is that the BA track requires one semester of analysis (3150) and the BS track requires a full year of analysis (3150 and 3151).
- Applied Mathematics. The focus is on courses about, or using, differential equations and numerical analysis. Any student planning to do further work in applied math after graduation should study complex variables and (for those interested in mathematical finance) stochastic processes. A difference between the BA and BS degrees in applied math is that the BS requires a semester of analysis (Math 3150), which has Math 2710 as a prerequisite, but the BA does not have this requirement.
- Actuarial Science. This major prepares students to become actuaries. Courses cover financial math, probability, actuarial mathematics, and actuarial modeling. Additional courses in finance, economics, computer programming, and accounting are required. Unlike the other tracks, students need a 3.2 grade point average both overall and in math courses to be admitted to this major, and are required to maintain an overall 3.2 grade point average to stay in this major. More information is available here.
- Actuarial Science-Finance. This track combines actuarial skills with finance courses that emphasize security valuation, forecasting, and financial and risk management. It requires seven upper-level finance and actuarial courses in addition to the requirements for the actuarial science track. Students typically start in the actuarial science track and consider transitioning to this track in their junior year.
- Mathematics-Physics. In this track, which is available only for a BS degree, a student can choose a physics emphasis (Track A, with an advisor in the physics department) or a math emphasis (Track B, with an advisor in the math department). Courses include differential equations, linear algebra, and complex analysis. Students following the math emphasis would choose further courses from areas such as differential geometry, abstract algebra, probability, and analysis (which mostly have Math 2710 as a prerequisite).
- Mathematics-Statistics. This requires differential equations, mathematical statistics, and a certain number of credits in both the math and statistics departments.
Click here for full course description
MATH 1131Q - Calculus 1 (Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: Q Course)
MATH 1132Q - Calculus 2 (Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: Q Course)
MATH 2110Q - Multivariable Calculus (Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: Q Course)
PHYS 1401Q - General Physics with Calculus (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 3-LAB, Q Course)
PHYS 1501Q - Physics for Engineers 1 (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 3-LAB, Q Course)
PHYSC 1601Q - Fundamentals of Physics 1 (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 3-LAB, Q Course)
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