This major is part of the Cultures & Humanities Exploration Group
Philosophy majors examine basic questions about such topics as the nature of existence and knowledge. They also study the history of philosophy, learn how to use logic and argue their ideas, and use philosophy to better understand other fields. Those who see college just as vocational training can’t imagine what Philosophy majors do besides teach. Plenty, but not usually teaching. Top career fields for Philosophy majors include Management, Sales, Community Service, and Computer Science. Philosophy is great preparation for Law School, and Philosophy majors have the highest acceptance rate to Medical School. According to Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, skills in communication and analysis are crucial across virtually all occupations. The method of Philosophy is reasoned debate. Active listening and clear expression backed by critical thinking and creative problem-solving on complex topics in the light of a vast literature are Philosophy’s stock in trade. And don’t forget that today’s graduates will be changing careers several times during their lives. Being a flexible learner is essential to making the transitions. Suppleness and flexibility of mind is another of Philosophy’s benefits.
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While PHIL 1101-1107 are good introductions to Philosophy, 1101 and 1103 are best for students who may be interested in the major.
PHIL 1101 - Problems of Philosophy (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 1)
PHIL 1102 – Philosophy and Logic (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 1)
PHIL 1103 - Philosophical Classics (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 1)
PHIL 1104 – Philosophy and Social Ethics (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 1)
PHIL 1105 – Philosophy and Religion (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 1)
PHIL 1106 – Non-western and Comparative Philosophy (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 1, CA 4-INT)
PHIL 1107 – Philosophy and Gender (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 1, CA 4)
PHIL 2410 – Know Thyself (Honors) (Potential Major Requirement) (Gen Ed: CA 1)
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